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News from your publisher of definitive Trolleybus history books

TROLLEYBOOKS has a new publishing programme. Suggestions are also gratefully received, though if you want to suggest a title, do also suggest an author who is prepared to write it!

All proceeds from sales of our books are ploughed back into the restoration of representative examples of British trolleybuses saved from scrapping many years ago and held in store, so that they can be exhibited and operated at suitably equipped transport museums.

We've added the ability to buy by Paypal, which you may find is an easier way to purchase our books. You don't have to have a Paypal account, and can use your credit card to pay.

Coming soon -

Latest -
Brazil's Trolleybuses by Jorges Moraes and Robert Howes

New -
A London Trolleybus Reborn by Dave Chick

Already sold out -
Glasgow Trolleybuses by Brian Deans with Stuart Little

Already sold out -
Britain's Lost Trolleybus Systems by Roland Box

Already sold out -
Reading Trolleybuses by Dave Hall

Recent -
Italian Trolleybuses Abroad by Alessandro Albè and Marco Montanarini

Recent -
Walsall Trolleybuses by Bob Rowe

Recent -
Lombard-Gerin & Inventing the Trolleybus by Ashley Bruce

Belfast Trolleybuses by Mike Maybin

Trolleybus miniatures, models and the real things by Ashley Bruce and Gottfried Kure

British Trolleybus Database CD,

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